The Stop the Hike Campaign is an initiative of our fledgling group Capital Region Transit Advocates (CRTA). We appreciate that Capital District Citizen Action is allowing us to use their online petition to collect signatures against the hike. Click here to sign the petition.
There was some concern over at All Over Albany about this language on the petition:
By submitting, you become a member of Citizen Action of New York...
Citizen Action's Charlie Albanetti straightens that out with his comment - click here to read the entire comment. Here is the crux of Charlie's response:
(Thank you, Charlie.)The "become a member" clause is standard on all of our internet forms, and just means that you'll be added to our email list (from which you can easily unsubscribe any time you get an email from us).
We urge you to tell your friends about the online petition and help us to Stop the Hike!
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